PART 2: Employee Engagement: Strategies for Small Business Success (Part 2 of 8) — Understanding Employee Engagement

2. Understanding Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is an intricate and layered aspect of a company's culture that significantly influences its operational success and stability. It encompasses several key elements: emotional commitment, motivation, and active involvement.

  • Emotional Commitment: Employees with a high emotional commitment do not merely work for a paycheck or the next promotion; they care deeply about the company's welfare and its future. They feel a strong connection to their workplace, often going above and beyond the call of duty to ensure the company not only survives but thrives.

  • Motivation: This factor drives employees to excel in their roles. Motivated employees are enthusiastic and persistently seek ways to improve their performance and efficiency. Their drive stems from intrinsic rewards such as personal achievement and recognition, as well as extrinsic factors like bonuses and career advancement opportunities.

  • Involvement: Engagement is also about the degree to which employees are involved in the company. Involved employees are given opportunities to contribute to decision-making processes, voice their ideas, and be part of the bigger picture. This involvement reinforces their significance within the company and enhances their commitment to organizational goals.

    The tangible impacts of high employee engagement are compelling. Research by Gallup highlights that companies with highly engaged workforces see a 21% increase in profitability. Additionally, these companies experience up to a 59% decrease in employee turnover. These statistics illustrate the profound effect that engagement has not only on boosting a company's financial performance but also in stabilizing its workforce. In essence, fostering an engaged team translates directly into enhanced productivity and a competitive edge in the marketplace, demonstrating why employee engagement is not just beneficial but essential for business success.

Contact Information:

Jeff Saari, Workplace Culture Solution:


Phone: 603-762-4866